News: News

Wayne Lewis has passed

Lee Martin News

I regret to inform the IBS community that Wayne Lewis has passed away. He will be missed by many. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Hal Drake has passed

Lee Martin News

Long-time, and very accomplished benchrest shooter Hal Drake has passed. He will be missed by many. Below is a link to his obituary:

Margaret Stickley has passed

Lee Martin News

From her husband, Allan Stickley - "I wanted to inform IBS that my wife, Margaret M "Peggy" Stickley (O'Keefe) passed away March 28, 2023 peacefully at Gunderson Lutheran Hospital in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. Peggy O'Keefe was the 2002 Hunter Champion. I thought you could let her friends know. Respectfully, her husband, Allan"

Scam emails

Lee Martin News

Please beware of scam IBS emails coming from what appear to be Executive Board members. The emails ask for gift cards to be sent. Obviously this is a scam. If you get one, please ignore and delete.

2023 Agenda Item Voting - Online Now

Lee Martin News

To vote on the four 2023 agenda items, please log on to the website using your membership email address and password. Voting will be open through March 2nd.

2023 Committee Members

Lee Martin News

Please see the attached for the 2023 committee members for Group, Score, and 600 - 1000 Yard