2019 IBS 1000 Yard Nationals Registration and Equipment Form
August 31 & Sept 1st at Hawks Ridge Gun Club, Ferguson, NC
IBS Editor Blake Wilson
IBS Brings New Editor on Board
2019 - 100-200 Meter Nationals Pre-Registration Form
IBS 600 Yard Nationals - GRRC, Harris, MN: Information and Pre-Registration Form
600 Yard Nationals- Pre Registration Form
James Lovell Memorial - (GMSA) August 3rd & 4th 2019
Tribute to James Lovell
Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis - June 8 & 9th - IBS 600 Yard Match
Please come out to support a worthy cause.
The board of directors of the Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis (BRRC) has approved donating all profits from their June 8 & 9th IBS 600 yard matches to the Vapor Trail Recovery.
This is a one time increase by $20.00 to a total of $140.00 for the weekend. Come out, have fun and support a worthy cause.
2019 Benchrest Seminar
Two Day Seminar April 6th & April 13th 2019.
New 2019 IBS Score Rulebook
The New 2019 IBS Score Rulebook is now available for download under Rules, which can be found on the Home Page.
2019 IBS 600 Yard Scoring Program
This program can be found under Forms 2-28-19
Executive Vice-President of IBS has Resigned
“Effective March 1, Boyd Allen has resigned as the Executive Vice-President of International Benchrest Shooters.
In recent months, Boyd has been dealing with some health issues.
Jeff Stover, IBS President, accept his resignation with regret.”
2nd Vice President and Award Chairman
On behalf of the IBS, we would like to welcome Kent Bratten to the Executive Board as 2nd Vice President and Award Chairman
Requirements for LR3 Agenda Item
The EBoard approved the Requirements for the LR3 Agenda Item.
One Club/One Range with Exceptions Requirements
1000 Yard Shooter of the Year Program 2019
EBoard Approved the Long Range Committee's Recommendation
on 1000 Yard Shooter of the Year Program
2019 IBS 600 Yard SOY Program Rule Change is also posted under Rules
2019 IBS 600 Yard SOY Program Rule Change 011719
2019 Winter Meeting Agenda Items - No Vote
The 2019 IBS Winter Meeting will be held on January 12 in Harrisburg, PA; we have a full agenda and committee reports. This past year there were three rulebook agenda items submitted in the Score and 600 Yard disciplines. The first was a proposal to recognize additional 2-gun and 3-gun aggregates in the Score discipline. The other two relate to Shooter of the Year points system for the 600 Yard disciplines. Per the bylaws, none of the three can be voted on at the meeting because those agenda items need to be posted 45 days in advance of the meeting. This was not done. It is my job to make sure that it is done. As President of the organization I dropped the ball, big time, and did not make sure the items were forwarded for posting on the website.
Fortunately, in the past we have done a good job of following the bylaws, many of those past agenda items were of critical importance. This year was an exception. The 2018 agenda items will be held and considered at the 2020 Winter Meeting.
To make sure this does not happen again, I am going to request-starting now-that each agenda item proposal be first submitted to the President when first circulated. The agenda item must be submitted in Word format. If the petition(s) secures the necessary 25 signatures then scans of all petition pages must me submitted to the President, Chair of the respective discipline committee, Webmaster and Recording Secretary. The respective committees must submit recommendations on each agenda item pertaining to its respective discipline by November 1.
My sincere apologies to all IBS member and the competitors taking part in our matches shooting “The Most Accurate Rifles in the World”.
Just as a clarification the above is NOT RELATED in any way to the recent paper ballots related to the 2018 rules changes and positions of President and 1st VP.
Jeff Stover
IBS President